Admire the giant pieces of art of Leo Gestel throughout the entire city center of Woerden! The Leo Gestel promenade is opened and tributes the artist and his work.
Throughout the city center of Woerden 19 canvas reproductions and enamel reproductions are placed and together they make for an extraordinary walking route. Thanks to photographer Hans van Ommeren, who is from Woerden, the quality of the photographic reproductions is amazing. "It is like you can scrape the paint of of the canvas", according to one of the visitors.
You can admire the artworks by yourself, or book a walk along the Leo Gestel Promenade under supervision of a Gilde guide. Please contact VVV Woerden for bookings.
He was born in Woerden as Leendert Gestel and turned into one of the most important painters in the Netherlands during the first half of the 20th century. After his death in 1941 the attention to his work ebbed away a little, but since a decade there has been a revolution. Retrospectives are organized and publications about his work and his life appear regularly. This Ied to the foundation Woerden Promotie publicly and permanently publishing a part of his work in reproductions in the city where he grew up by means of a Leo Gestel Promenade.
Book the walk at VVV Woerden